Supportive Communication Workshop:
Managing Emotionally Intense Conversations

Trying to offer support when the person you are speaking with is upset or stressed can feel like tiptoeing through a minefield. In this highly interactive workshop, you will learn skills that will help you to be more effective and more comfortable when offering emotional support to others who are experiencing strong emotions such as stress, frustration, anxiety, or anger. You will learn how to respond in a way that helps the other person feel better and think more clearly, while strengthening your relationship. We will practice these skills using examples from a variety of contexts, including clinical (e.g., interactions with patients and patient families), professional (e.g., interactions with members of your clinical team), and personal (e.g., interactions with friends and romantic partners).

Eran Magen, Ph.D., is the founder and scientific director of the Center for Supportive Relationships, which provides relational skills training for school districts, higher education institutions, healthcare professionals, and private corporations. Dr. Magen received his MA in education and PhD in psychology from Stanford University, completed post-doctoral training in population health as a Robert Wood Johnson Health & Society Scholar, and served as the research director of the department of Counseling and Psychological Services at the University of Pennsylvania.